Exercise During Cancer Treatment

There are many layers to an effective treatment for cancer. Even after diagnosis, it has been shown through a significantly growing pool of research that an exercise program during treatment, whether it be during surgical, chemotherapy, or radiotherapy-related...

Exercise and Cancer

Exercise for cancer survivors:  Exercise and being physically active provide great benefits to our fitness, strength, healthy aging, mood and well-being as well as reducing risk of disease. We know we should all be moving more and staying active for a healthier...
Why your hamstring keeps tearing and what you can do to stop it

Why your hamstring keeps tearing and what you can do to stop it

What is a hamstring strain? If you play sports or exercise recreationally, chances are you’ve felt a hamstring strain. That painful feeling of a torn muscle that tugs at the back of the thigh. You walk a little bit funny and when people ask what’s happened, you...