Gwen Estigoy
Gwen has a background working with adults and children with Arthritis and has extensive training with treating and managing various chronic pain conditions. With her extensive knowledge and hands-on experience, Gwen is a compassionate and skilled professional who seeks to make a lasting impact on the lives of those she works with. Gwen is dedicated to empowering individuals through exercise to improve their overall health and well-being. Adopting a bio-psychosocial approach, Gwen is committed to providing exercise interventions that are evidence based to achieve the best possible health outcomes.
One of Gwen’s particular areas of interest is creating inclusive and safe exercise spaces where everyone can access the benefits of exercise and movement. Gwen has experience working with vulnerable groups and individuals, including the LGBTQIA+ community and people from different cultural/religious backgrounds.
Outside the clinic, Gwen enjoys playing futsal, planning the next cook on the smoker/bbq, and exploring scenic routes on her motorbike.