Deb Eveniss
Exercise Physiologist
Deb is an Accredited Exercise Physiologist with a Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science and a Master of Clinic Exercise Physiology.

Deb began her health and fitness career working as a personal trainer after obtaining her Certificate III and IV in Fitness. Here she developed a keen interest in healthy aging, falls prevention and cancer and exercise. Deb then decided to further her knowledge and experience by further study and becoming an exercise physiologist.

Deb has a keen interest in helping those with cancer, neurological conditions such as MS, HD, PD and stroke and brain injury survivors. More recently she has been researching and treating fatigue conditions including Long Covid, ME/CFS, POTS and EDS. Deb strongly believes that “movement is medicine” and wants to help people enjoy all that safe and healthy movement can bring.

In her spare time Deb is heavily involved in parkrun, soccer, trail running, hiking, kayaking and raising two very busy teenagers.

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